Monday, July 20, 2009

Video Time!

Here is Hank making some more of his goofy faces while eating...

Then, a video of him giggling while dad chomps his belly...that giggle is my favorite thing in the world!

And finally, a video of Josie that just totally cracks me up. That girl is hilarious!


Just as before...the best way to snap pictures of new teeth just happens to be when Hank is crying. So, without further are the top teeth (and a very sad baby)!

Those two front teeth were almost the death of us...he stopped nursing (FOR 36 HOURS...ladies, if you've ever nursed a baby, you can imagine the pain), stopped sleeping, and life was overall painful for about three days. Then they appeared...and it all made sense.

9 Months Old!

I figured since Hank is almost 10 months old, I better get on posting his 9 month pictures - it's been a busy month!
Adorable devil shirt comes compliments of Tutu, and the equally amazing devil Robeez from Godmom Heidi!

We got a big time score at the consignment shop and Hank got a great activity table (he LOVES it) for only $14.99. We were at Babies R Us earlier in the day, about to buy the same one for $50! Bret was so proud of me :)
Did a little harassing on the cat...perfect that the devil tail should be showing-hehe
Found some new cords to try and chew on... Slept with his pony...
A pretty fine day!

Sleepy Time

I just love when babies sleep like this...

We've hit a BIG landmark...Hank has FINALLY slept through the night. There was one night, in his second month that he slept seven hours...but that was only ONE night. We've had a stream of them lately and I think we're all happier and more sane.