Below, cousin Leah entertains the little ones... Hank's cousin Kiefer (my cousin Joe's son) kept trying to feel Hank's eyeballs (squishy!):
This looks like Hank was striking back with a swift kick, but he was really just trying to get wrapping paper off his foot (I swear!). here's what to watch for in the coming posts (and to look for if you look at old posts)...Hank has a little issue with group pictures. He HATES them. He'll be happily playing and then all the sudden, BOOM, he is freaking out, red faced, screaming, and crawling to get away. It doesn't matter who it'll see more when I post pictures from Portland. Ahh, quirky kids! Now anytime someone says, "Let's take a picture with everyone!" my pulse quickens and I know what's coming next...oh, the drama!
In the picture below: Hank (15 months), Maverick (3), Josie (almost 2), Macoy (5), and Kiefer (almost 14 months).