Thursday, January 14, 2010

Josie Turns 2!

The day after Christmas, we headed over to Eastern Washington (Endicott) to relax and made it with a sleeping baby most of the way - our quickest time yet (4 hours, instead of 6-7 with various've probably heard some of the horror stories). While there, we got to celebrate Josie's 2nd birthday with family - cousins everywhere! It's so fun they're all growing up so close in age and that they get to see each other enough to know each other.
Below, cousin Leah entertains the little ones... Hank's cousin Kiefer (my cousin Joe's son) kept trying to feel Hank's eyeballs (squishy!):
This looks like Hank was striking back with a swift kick, but he was really just trying to get wrapping paper off his foot (I swear!). here's what to watch for in the coming posts (and to look for if you look at old posts)...Hank has a little issue with group pictures. He HATES them. He'll be happily playing and then all the sudden, BOOM, he is freaking out, red faced, screaming, and crawling to get away. It doesn't matter who it'll see more when I post pictures from Portland. Ahh, quirky kids! Now anytime someone says, "Let's take a picture with everyone!" my pulse quickens and I know what's coming next...oh, the drama!
In the picture below: Hank (15 months), Maverick (3), Josie (almost 2), Macoy (5), and Kiefer (almost 14 months).
Vanessa and I had fun making this cake for Josie's the cut-up cakes!
The Long Beach Hardys singing, "Happy Birthday!"
More presents to open (and stand on!):
Hank was thrilled to have a balloon in each hand - what a good life!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas Day!

The best part of Christmas Day...playing with all your new presents! In this picture, Hank is in his Thomas the Tank Engine tent (with!). He's playing with his recycling truck that we splurged on, so every time he plays with it, we feel validated for spending entirely too much on a one year old!The best part of the recycling truck is that the little man fits in your mouth very nicely...choking hazard?, please knock on wood!Santa brought a whole tube of Puffs...we let him just dig in and he'd take handfuls and shove them in his mouth. I stopped him when he started tossing handfuls of them up in the air (such a killjoy!)
"Why can't I throw them everywhere?"That night, we headed to Coulon Park to see the "Clam Lights" - both kids loved the lights and it was nice and festive! A perfect way to spend Christmas night.

Auntie Dev and Uncle Asher headed off to New York and St. Lucia...lucky ducks!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas Eve at the Loctor's...Part 1

Hank's Auntie Dev (aka Auntie May May, aka Auntie Megan) and Uncle Asher hosted Christmas Eve this year. There were, as always, too many presents. But, with two little ones there, there were even MORE than usual (and it was even more fun than usual!). The tree was awesome and the kids were way into the mound of presents. This is all Christmas Eve...there's still Santa, Portland with Tutu and Grandpa Ewing, and GG Rud still to come. I think this is all Hank is going to give me tonight, stay tuned (Aunt Raelene, that means you!)! Hugging the presents!

"Look, Josie!"

Loving life :)

Uncle Asher had to check that none of the presents were breakable, because Hank was all over them.

Christmas Eve at the Loctor's...Part 2

Family Picture Time!
Fun with wigs! I mean, when you have an excuse to do this, you kind of have to! More presents!

Biggie got in on the fun and crawled in most boxes that got one of the kiddies (haha, get it...kiddies...kitties...ah, nevermind!).
Both grandbabies! Think they were happy?!

Hank's "Little People" Farm! Josie got the house :)
11:30 PM - Time to go home and sleep so Santa can come...poor kid!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Meltdowns and Fits

Hank is working on having fits lately - usually he will put his head down between his legs and howl. For this little meltdown (on the video), he was just done eating, he was tired, and he wanted us to know all about it. The hands on the face are very dramatic...but I just kept filming away! Nice mom that I am! At least they're usually short and he's easy to distract. I have a feeling it won't always be like that - yikes!