Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas Day!

The best part of Christmas Day...playing with all your new presents! In this picture, Hank is in his Thomas the Tank Engine tent (with!). He's playing with his recycling truck that we splurged on, so every time he plays with it, we feel validated for spending entirely too much on a one year old!The best part of the recycling truck is that the little man fits in your mouth very nicely...choking hazard?, please knock on wood!Santa brought a whole tube of Puffs...we let him just dig in and he'd take handfuls and shove them in his mouth. I stopped him when he started tossing handfuls of them up in the air (such a killjoy!)
"Why can't I throw them everywhere?"That night, we headed to Coulon Park to see the "Clam Lights" - both kids loved the lights and it was nice and festive! A perfect way to spend Christmas night.

Auntie Dev and Uncle Asher headed off to New York and St. Lucia...lucky ducks!


Anonymous said...

Yeah - Thank you. I am a very happy Aunt, Great Aunt, Mom, Sister, Grandma - so much fun to see everyone. Did someone say recession? We are all very lucky to have each other. Love you guys.

Tom/Rhonda said...

JOY JOY JOY...I think each Christmas is just about the best...and then we have another! Lots of fun times & wonderful memories :) Hankerdoodle...that little pout was pretty darn cute! Come over & we'll throw a few puffs together :)