Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Outfits

Love those people who gave us clothes for when Hank got bigger - it's fun to dig in our drawers and still find new things to wear! These were two particularly cute ones from the Kackman families...the adorable "Bear Hug" from Aunt Chris and Uncle Don. She sent this to us very early on when she heard about our woodland themed nursery. It was so hard to wait this long before he could wear it-hehe. And the overalls and shirt are from Al and Allie Kackman. Just love a kid in overalls! Thanks, guys! :)
How nice to get a "bear hug" all day long :)

Just a coincidence...but the same day he wore his "bear hug" onesie, we happened to be at Pottery Barn Kids and Hank got to try on a bear hat (Halloween time!). Bret put it on him and then they looked around the corner at me and Hank had a huge grin. Melt my heart! This doesn't have the grin, but it still melts me. Kinda wish he could wear it all the time-hehe.
Pushing around his new walker in his new outfit!
Still have a little bit of room to grow into them...that means he gets to wear them for a long time -yea!

1 comment:

LuluandGeorgiesMom said...

I dying over the shot of him sleeping on his tummy with the bear arms around him.