As you all have probably heard, Hank is not the best sleeper (that's putting it mildly!). After a few particularly rough nights, Bret was attempting to make me a happier camper by whipping up a delicious feast. I came home grumpy to find him hunkered over the stove cooking gnocchi, halibut in a homemade red sauce (with freshly diced kalamata olives, fresh parsley, and other delicious bits), and garlic broccoli rabe. No run-of-the-mill Monday way! Did I mention there were tulips...and chocolate chip cookies! Man, is he good or what...
That's when things went all wrong! As he went to finish off the broccoli with fresh squeezed lemon, the knife whizzed through the lemon...and went straight down into his middle finger! OUCH! When I could see air in between parts of his finger, I knew we were in for it. He turned off everything, I packed up the baby, and off we went to Urgent Care. Here is the result...

It's healing up nicely...and the meal was still good (but not quite the same) at 9:00 PM that evening. No...we didn't try and put the lemon onto the broccoli-hehe.