This was Hank's second exposure to Disneyland, but last year hardly counts (click
here to see how little he was...or scroll to the end of the post for a few pictures). He and I flew down with my students (no Dad and no Grandma!) and he was a total champ on the plane. While we waited for Dad and Grandma, we spent a lot of time with the stuffed animals at the Disney store. Dad and Grandma came later that evening and they got to spend time with Thomas, Vanessa, and Josie. My group performed on Friday and I got time to hit the park with my students, and then we had a family day on Saturday. Same favorites as last year...Small World and the carousel! He was pretty good with the characters, choosing to cling to me while they were close and then waving and blowing kisses when we got a safe distance away! He met Chip and Dale and when we saw a shirt with them on it at Target a few weeks later, out of nowhere, he said, "CHIP!" My mom and I were shocked - it's amazing what sticks with them!

(I can't believe I didn't buy him this Mickey...but I figure, there will be many more trips to Disney and we have to save something! At least, that's what I tell myself to feel better!).

Mickey was the first character he saw when we got to long as I was close it was okay, but he DID NOT want to touch him, no matter how much I hugged Mickey, aka Hot Dog, yes, Hot Dog. My students got a kick out of the fact that he calls Mickey Mouse, "Hot Dog". At this point, he can say all the names (Minnie, Daisy, Donald)...but you try to get him to say Mickey, and all that comes out is "Hot Dog!" This all started because the album we've listened to in the car since he was tiny was They Might Be Giants...who just so happened to write the closing song to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...guess what the song is called...
HOT DOG! Once he got old enough to put together that they were talking about Mickey, it just stuck. For awhile, he'd point to his mouse ears and say, "Hot Dog" and we were all so confused. Then it all clicked...and so, "Mickey" is now "Hot Dog". The end :)

Spotting the "Choo-Choo" right above us!

Leaving the park...he skipped and jumped the whole way (if you look closely, you'll see that his feet are off the ground!). The kid was having a great time!

The whole gang...well, except for me, but someone had to take the picture!

Josie and her new doll...she was a madwoman while driving the doll in the stroller. We all had to watch our ankles! Very funny!

Hanging out at T and V's house in Long Beach...the two goofy cousins!
The very best memories of the Happiest Place on Earth. When do we get to go back???? I know a gma who was in hog heaven with 2 precious little mousketeers!!!
Sigh... these pics make me want to go to Disneyland soooo bad now. I know Georgie won't appreciate it now, but Lulu could be ready!
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