This weekend, Bret's parents came to visit and Hank was quite the charmer. Each time he saw them, he'd stare and then break out into a BIG smile (and he'd scrunch his nose, of course). Very sweet! We also took Hank's six month pictures with both sets of grandparents...what a lucky kid. I can't wait to get those back!

Right after the picture below, Hank knocked over all three of the pint glasses at the table (one beer and three waters). There was liquid EVERYWHERE (B and I ended up with wet pants and shoes)! Thank goodness we didn't go to our favorite fancy French place and instead stuck with a brewpub. Needless to say, it wasn't the first time it had ever happened (judging by the multiple tables with little babies at them, I could understand) and the waitresses were very sweet .

Bret got more work done on his tattoo (the pin-up's shirt and shoe are almost complete) while Hank got to spend some quality time with his P-town grandparents.

Grandpa Andy looks like he is a kid again - playing with Hank. How cute!
Can't wait to see B's tattoo in person. It sure is coming along, only three or four more sessions? Wahahahaha.
Love the tat. I can't seem to click on the pic to make it bigger. BUMMER!
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